Octatrack Headphone Issues

Hey folks,

I’m having issued with my DPS 1.

The headphones seem to be working fine then suddenly all the sound pans to the left side.

Not sure what is going on here?

It seems to work fine when I pull out the plug just a bit, but when plugged all the way in it keeps happening.



Sounds like a dodgy connection. Do you have another pair of headphones? Test those, to see if the problem is the headphones or the Octatrack.

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This is a common problem on mkI units afaik. I don’t know why it happens or how to fix it, I had mine repaired under warranty (repair report said something like “resoldered all audio connections”) but later on the problem came back.


I’ve not had this issue with the OT MK1 but my headphones in general are to blame, the left signal cuts out and the connection on the right needs a wobble. The Sennheiser HD25 is a cruel mistress.


I mean it could be my headphones but I’m using the audio technica phones and they seem to be good quality…

Man i just got my OT back from the repair shop in LA due to broken pins in the card reader.

Not sending this thing back again

If it’s like what happened to me and others, you can get the sound back by blasting something really loud, i.e. put a compressor on a track and turn the makeup gain to max. Might want to lower you headphone volume during this.

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Now my OT won’t even turn on. Power socket issue most likely, it turns off if the power chord moves a bit.

Don’t know what to do

I had a power socket problem, repaired by bending the part of metal in it, with a little flat screwdriver. The metal part was too loose to make good connection with the power supply. MKI.