Octatrack Bug ? makes me sick

Is this a known Bug ?

When I’m in Delay Control Mode and pressing one Control Trigger,
so the FreezeStutterEfect is to hear,
when I now press the Midi Button before i release the DelayControl Button
the Octatrack Freezes, to stop the FreezeStutter i must turn DelaySend to zero.

Is this a Bug ? or a Feature to say it like Steve Jobs :wink:

Don’t know if it’s a bug…to me happened (while keep pressed the green trig) changing TrigMode (from DelyCtrl to something else).

I used this “bug” with some fun that time…!

I don’t know if this is the case here


Back in the days when using a roland mc-500

I learned ‘messy’ button pushing would sometimes

lock machines.

Sometimes gear requires precise sequential button pushing.

Learned that the hard way too, lost many hours of work and many
non repeatable ideas.

I have encountered this too. I was holding down a trig key and switched to MIDI mode and the delay froze infinitely.

The only way to stop it from repeating was (IIRC) to restart the OT.

I did not get sick from this bug. Just a bit annoyed and confused. However I did not check my vitals so I can’t guaranty I was in perfect health at the time.

Has happened to me as well, much as described by others

  • Presume OS v1.25B ?

  • What are the exact steps to replicate it?

  • Presume OS v1.25B ?

  • What are the exact steps to replicate it?

Hey Rusty

Yes 1.25b

Delay on Master Track with Delay Control TriggerMode.
Delay Effect 2 Setup Page 2 : X=Off , Tape=Off , DIR=127 , Sync=On , Lock=On Pass=Off

Delay Effect 2 Setup Page 1 : Time=32 , FB=127 , Vol=127 , Base=0 , Wdth=127 , Send=1

Wenn you now use the Delay Control trigger,
to do the Stutter Effect and you push Midi Mode to switch to the Midi Page before you release the Delay Control trigger, the Stutter Effect locks.

You can stop the Sequencer and nothing happens, it stutter and stutter, you must turn of the OT to interrupt this or turn send from 1 to 0 and then again to 1.

Sorry for my English, hope this was comprehensible.

Oh and Rusty when you do the OT Software Editor for OS X, you wil get three Wishes free,
because i am a Fay :alien: .


I’m going to see if I can test / replicate on Saturday. Been a busy week.

Maybe it’s the machines’ way of saying that we’ve heard enough freeze delays for a lifetime :slight_smile:

Jokes aside, I can try and replicate your settings and see what I get. Won’t be until the end of the week end though !