Relatively new to the elektron world but I’ve gotten the bug with the analog 4 and am now considering an octatrack purchase as I need a midi sequencer for vermona drm mk 3 and the octatrack would obv be that and a lot more …but…Does octatrack transmit velocity via midi ? Would octatrake make a good sequencer for drm regardless of all it’s other attributes…any users with this combo or any opinions would be gratefully received.
After a long time I finally got the Octatrack. I’m already kind off familiar with the basics and get most of things going but there’s just this one thing that I can’t seem to figure out.
Up until now I have managed to MIDI trigger all of my synths, but I also have a Vermona DRM1 as drumsynth and that one isn’t working properly. The idea is to sequence all of the triggers (kick, snare, hihats, etc.) of the DRM1 within 1 track, leaving me with 7 other tracks for sequencing other synths. Now, I’ve been able to trigger the 8 sounds on the DRM1 with 8 different trigs on the octatrack. However when I go to sequence mode and put in steps, nothing happens.
Important to know is that all this was done while the channel in MIDI NOTE SETUP was off. When I put the midi channel to 1, the octatrack doesn’t trigger my first sound (the kick) anymore. All the other 7 triggers keep functioning normal but I still can’t sequence the sounds. It’s probably also important to know that the DRM1’s midi is setup by a learn function (holding the trigger on the DRM1 on startup and then pushing a trigger on your MIDI device). So you can’t specifically assign a corresponding midi channel. This situation leaves me with a 2 questions.
Since I am able to trigger the Vermona DRM1 with my octatrack there must be a way to sequence it properly. How do you do this and has this something to do with CC values?
And Is the octatrack capable of sequencing multiple sounds of a drumsynth on one track? This way I could keep all my other 7 midi tracks free for other gear. I believe that it is possible to do this because of this video.
I hope this makes a little sense and someone out here (with the same setup maybe) can help me out, because I’ve been searching on this for a while now and I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere.
You seemed to say that you could sequence the other 7 sounds correctly. If so, make sure that you are sending the correct MIDI note for the kick drum. You may have inadvertently caused the DRM to learn a non-default note number for the kick drum. If in doubt, reset the MIDI assignment for the DRM1’s sounds using the procedure given in the manual.
None of this has anything to do with MIDI CC messages.
Yes. Each MIDI sequencer track on the Octatrack is capable of sending different notes, as many as four on each MIDI sequencer step. See pages 113 and 114 of the OT manual. You will have to calculate the note offset value from the default note value in order to get simultaneous drum sounds, so it is a little bit awkward and you may prefer to use more than one MIDI sequencer track for convenience.
I’ve been away for a while so I couldn’t respond earlier. Anyway your tip gave me the final insight for resolving this issue. I figured I was doing things the wrong way around. Instead of first assigning all the sounds to a midi number and then trying to apply the note offset value, you have to choose the note offset value on that specific track first and then make the Vermona learn this note. Sounds logical afterwards.
Anyhow, Many many thanks for the reply. My complete creative Octatrack days are beginning now.