Octatrack arranger: static samples bleeding into next row even though mute is active?

Hello everyone,

I’m having a bit of trouble of the octatracks arranger page. Basically some of my audio tracks have static machines assigned to them that are triggering a 4 bar sample with only 1 trigger. So the sample plays in its entirety I have set infinite release and hold. Now coming to the point of arranging my track I use the same pattern on different rows, but eg at one point I have a row with all samples active, and following this I have a row with the same pattern assigned but the kick track muted. When moving to this row and starting from here the rows plays as you would expect. However when the row plays after the one above it, for some reason the kick pattern continues. I thought this could be the long release and hold set on the sample, but surely if I have the track muted this shouldn’t matter. Does the muting here not just cut off all Audio coming from selected tracks?

Really stuck with what to do here, what’s the best way round this issue?

It’s also worth noting that when the arrangment ends, all the static samples continue to play until their full loop ends

I was having this very issue yesterday…so odd because it works that way with flex machines (to the best of my knowledge). My workaround was to p-lock the length parameter, and the hold/release parameters if needed, on the last trig of the sequence, which seemed to work out okay. Since you’re using only one trig at the start of the sequence you might have to make another pattern to shorten that 4 bar loop to cut off when you want it.

Hey sorry for the slow reply, thanks for the heads up! How would you do this exactly? Do to add a slice towards the end of the static sample then input this at the end of the loop with p-locked hold / release?

I found another workaround, that is ok, but a bit inconvenient. That was the p-lock the tracks level to the corresponding scenes used for the parts I want it out. This meant creating new scenes though, so is useable, but seems unnecessary when the tracks should just be muting with the mute inputs? It is really bizarre and annoying! In theory it shouldn’t be happening. I wonder if there is anything we’re overlooking in the menus that could change this potentially.

The mutes within arranger are different to the mixer mutes. Arranger mutes don’t cut off audio they just defeat trigs that fall within the mute period.

Hope that helps explain the behavoiur. I’m not with my OT right now so a bit unsure of any other workarounds than what you’ve tried.

really it would be be kind of useful if the mute behavoiur was the other way around (or switchable!) Would solve your problem along with another problem often raised where effects tails get cut off with mixer mutes.


Ah! Thanks for clearing that up for me :slight_smile:

I couldn’t find anything in the manual, but it just seems like such a silly and obvious thing to leave out?

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Are you using slices? In that case those parameters I mentioned change function when dealing with slices. When I’m able I’ll take a look at exactly what I did, but it might not work on your end.

No im not, but how else would I insert a trig that continues playing the loop as normal without?

Under Project/Control/Sequencer the Chain After is set to PAT.LEN, other options aren’t checked off.
Under Playback Setup the LOOP and SLIC are off, LEN is Time, RATE is Pitch, TSTR is Auto.
Then I adjusted the length so the sample fits the sequence, that way the sample stops when the arranger changes patterns, no muting necessary. I also adjusted the Hold/Release so that the cut to the next pattern isn’t so abrupt.

Rereading your original post you said it was a 4 bar sample with 1 trigger, if you were having the arranger change patterns after 2 bars then the sample would still play thru another 2 bars. You’d have to make a new pattern where the length is adjusted to only run for 2 bars.

Hiii I feel like I’ve used this thread to do this in the past, but this time when I make these adjustments I’m not hearing those tracks being played back at all when in arranger mode (as if they just disappeared!) any idea why?