Octatrack and Traktor sync (and a nudge issue)

Hi all,
I’ve been djing with serato for about 8 years, and finally couldn’t resist the call of traktor audo 10 midi in/out, since i have an octa. Still working on a setup, but am having some issues with the clock.

If i set the Traktor as a master, the clock is pretty unstable, which results in recorded loops going out of sync from time to time, or from beat to beat, can sound messy…

If Octa is the master, clock is more stable, but the problem is a change in bpm or if there is a clock dropout, the tracktor has a wobble (lfo like) tempo sync which results in an even bigger mess.

the computer is rather old, c2d t8300 @2.4 ghz, could that be the culprit?
i cant make the traktor go below 512 samples buffer, guess the clock jitters cause of that.

any ideas how to make the integration tighter?

plus, the octa doesn’t do nudge if external sync is on, somewhat annoying, is there a way to switch it on?