That combo is the core of my current setup!
I use different settings for the pads in bank A:
- pads 1-8 trigger tracks 1-8 on the OT, pads 9-16 trigger some different notes on the auto channel so that I can play melodies in the currently selected track.
- pads 1-8 as above, pads 9-16 are connected to an Akai MPX8 module (MIDI thru)
- each of the OT’s 8 tracks gets two pads for different pitches.
Bank C/D : chromatic playback on the auto channel.
Bank B: whatever else is needed, for instance, to control an external sound module via MIDI channels.
Faders: 1) Filter (highpass on the first track where I always have a kick drum, lowpass on the others), 2) either Hold or Slice Number (STRT), 3) FX send.
Knobs: A set of params on the auto channel for deeper control of the currently selected track.
I try to not touch the OT’s knobs because they can so easily be damaged.
Drawbacks of the OT in this setup: The internal sequencer does neither react to velocities, nor record Hold. As a workaround, however, you can use the MIDI sequencer to record notes that the OT should play. The MIDI sequencer does record Hold… I don’t use this workaround, because it’s too complicated for my taste. I rather prefer to record automations, use scenes and LFO’s to control envelopes and filters (to simulate velocity) or just use default envelope settings that just sound nice.
MAIN DRAWBACK OF THE OT in this setup: Slices can not be played via MIDI notes. Elektron, what are you doing? Do you have more products in the market than you can handle? All we drum pad users just need one additional MIDI channel triggering Sample/Slice modes via MIDI notes, and the waiting should come to an end after years since product launch. In my opinion, that’s a V1.0 feature, but that’s just my opinion.
Ok, back to topic. As a workaround, I select slices via slider or let LFO’s randomly select different slices with each press of a pad. Random approach, better than nothing.
Btw, this setup really shines when connecting a MD to the OT’s MIDI out and using bank B to trigger the 16 tracks on the MD (MD sequencer stopped all the time)! 4 MIDI tracks sending notes to the MD, 3 unmuted, 1 muted (simply select this track to interrupt recording), live recording always on. That’s much greater than recording notes directly in the MD sequencer! The MD “understands” velocities, but doesn’t record them. 16 mode!
On the other hand, the OT’s 16 grid logic ensures that not too many notes are playing at once. Say, for instance, you have a hihat/tom combo running on the first MIDI track. When you hit some claps now on the same track, hihats/toms on the same positions are being kicked out of the sequencer! Very similar to the behavior when playing with slices. (additional trick: track 16 on the MD is muted and can be used to overwrite notes with “nothing”, which serves as a workaround for the missing Erase button on the MPD).
In my opinion, this grid logic is the main advantage of this OT+Akai combo compared to a MPC setup! However, I’m not a MPC expert. Maybe the same can be done with a MPC. If it can, please don’t tell me