Octatrack - A4 revilation

I have had an Octatrack for a while and I think my relationship with it has been very simplistic. I have 2 A4s and because of that my depth with the device has been much deeper.

because of this deeper understanding for the A4 I had found more of the depths of the Octatrack.

I was not able to have me studio for a few weeks because of relatives using the studio as a bedroom. one of my A4s and I became truly best buds at work. I have enjoyed the extra time. but tonight after my family left my Octatrack comfort quadrupled!

I think when you are 50% there on an A4 or AK and you love it remember the Octatrack… and if you don’t have one think about it. it is a way cool device!

I can relate a bit. I’ve been using a MnM as my only Elektron while my OT was in for repair, and after starting on an OT the MnM feels like I knew it already and just seems ridiculously easy :alien:

And yet, I still miss the OT’s weirdness/distinctness and know I can not get rid of it easily, now :slight_smile: