Update 29 September 2014
OctahackOTRP MMP v3 - Now idiot-proof !!!
Played live using the patch on Saturday; this compelled me to make the tempo input buttons bigger.
looper and encoder remapping have been omitted in this version. The up side: You only need one MIDI cable now, and no setup on the OT.
Find the latest version (HoToolzOTRPv3_MMP.zip) here:
EDIT 18 MAR 2015: broken link removed, will repost asap.
Update 23 September 2014
Octahack MMP v2
-now uses the same, improved repitch algorithm as the lemur version
-no longer tracks MIDI clock; you enter master tempo manually*
- the old version is still available.
here: http://hotoolz.tk (HoToolzOctahack_MMP_v2.zip)
*i will happily discuss this change in detail with anyone interested when i get the time.
HoToolz Update 27 July 2014
OTRP for lemur – improved master tempo tracking and sample repitching.
Improved repitch: The previous, approximative algorithms used in the MMP/Pd patch (OctaHack_v101) have been replaced with an expression that is precise within the constraints given by the MIDI standard and OT’s pitch parameter scaling. (max. deviation: +/- 0.1 semitones)
Improved clock tracking: the lemur version relies on the internal clock_ functions, which significantly improve tracking speed and stability, compared to the current MMP/Pd version.
Easy setup (no “clock notes” in OT required).
Lemur patch download - here: http://hotoolz.tk (HoToolzOTRPv1.jzml)
Connect OT MIDI in/out to an iOS lemur instance of OTRP via MIDI interface.
Within lemur, enter the original tempo of the samples playing on OT audio track 1 (faders on the left) and track 5 (faders on the right).
Important: Set Octatrack MIDI AutoChannel to: Off.
Encoder remapping and one-touch looping (present in the Pd/MMP patch) have been omitted in this lemur version. Minimal layout suitable for most screen sizes.
Pd/MMP patch revision/update coming soon. The current one is still available for download.
Feel free to post questions or suggestions in this thread.