you can trig each track with a midi note, you can play pitch on each track with midi notes, and you can record those unquantized. unfortunately though, you can’t play slices with midi notes…
So audio track trigs will respond and record from external midi /notes… can you set audio trigs to output midi notes for trigs?
Just thinking for beat building, would be nice to be able to create on the OT and export the sample trigs as midi to import into DAW drum product if I want to finish/edit track. I use Cubase and I could just bounce individual audio loops and transfer to DAW and extract midi in Cubase for this, but that would limit to one sound per track (wouldn’t pick up p-lock sample changes)… didn’t know if there was any easy way to do this…
You can set up a MIDI controller to trigger a record. I think Elektron’s training videos have one for using pickup machines which are a later feature. However, I don’t believe you can use a note to trigger it unless you have some translation layer in the middle which is not likely what you have in mind.
The most reliable way to trigger the record on time is to have the OT act as the MIDI sequencer and start both the sound you want and its recording via the sequencer. You can set the record length or have the sequencer do it.
There’s no ‘start recording when you start hearing music’ option like on the Electribe ESX.
I have not seen a MIDI export myself. The secret sauce is in the parameter locks so I would imagine the MIDI note info is tied up with that which is not likely exportable.
…"Like as in use an external midi drum pad controller to enter non-quantized sample triggers.
…"Also… can audio track triggers be converted to midi or exported as midi in any form?
So… this would be recording note hits on a midi track, then having the midi track trigger the sounds on the audio tracks? Otherwise there is no way to free record trig steps for an audio track?
This would result in loss of midi tracks for external sequencing then I assume. Is velocity capture still not available for incoming midi for audio trigger or midi record?
I’m a little confused by your question, most likely because you don’t have an OT yet…
There are 8 MIDI tracks specifically for controlling external devices. You can route the external devices in through 4 mono or two mono, one stereo or two stereo ins and either pass the audio through, effect it, mangle it or record it at any of the 8 audio recording slots which could in most circumstances also be playing other sounds (in a monophonic manner - one sound playing at a time or put another way, in a monophonic choke group) while you’re recording to that track’s buffer.
Each of the 8 audio tracks control sample playback. Each of those has an under-the-hood sequencer available that writes to a buffer assigned to each track - 8 buffers. So you could, and people do, sequence something, record it and start fucking with it all in one play button press if you set it up in advance like that. It becomes routine.
And I believe if you want to hook up pads or a keyboard velocity is captured. I don’t use a controller often because it’s trivial to nudge hits back and forth or up and down.
Am I actually responding to your question or just telling you stuff?
OK thank you. I have owned one prior but never got around to external sequencing using midi tracks or tried external midi triggering samples/ recording trigs on audio tracks.
So I guess basic question here is the audio track sequencer will respond and record sample trigs via note input from ext midi controller assuming the note, midi channel, track length settings are worked out on the octatrack. This would be probably unnecessary to me if the octatrack won’t capture velocity for audio track trigs… I would just use the step/nudge in that case I suppose.
Thank you. I will be doing some more research to see if the audio tracks will capture/record velocity for sample triggers – per manual looks like track 1 responds to C1 note, track 2 C1# etc…
Ah… I am guessing no… This quote from a recent post in the feature request thread… and exactly what I was inquiring about using for…
one more request from me and that’s my quota for the year:
please could we record the velocity and note-length of incoming MIDI signals to the audio section of the Octatrack, if that is achievable and not too complex a task for the payoff.
it would mean that people who like using the OT as a one-shot sampler sequencer triggered by a rhythm pad or keyboard, could then automatically have 300 percent more expressivity captured in their OT track pattern loops.