Octa/AR Users: Preferred Sample Type

I’m posting this in the AR group, but I’d like the Octa guys’ opinions as well

The question:

Do you prefer single-hit samples or “chained” sample sets?
If the latter, do you like to your samples to be organized by type or by “kit” (909, 808, etc.)?

I suppose the answer is “it depends on the type of samples,” but what have you been doing?

I’d like to start creating some sample packs and I don’t have either machine, so your opinions are appreciated.

I prefer single hit samples. Much easier for me to deal with.

I prefer single hits. I wish OT had a fine sample start parameter in addition to the coarse one, it’d make life easier.

However, if there was a computer program that created OT-friendly sample chains automatically out of the samples you choose, I’d probably use chains. Can’t be bothered with hours of boring labour, building chains manually. I rather use my precious music making time for something more important and fun.

I agree. I asked for a sample start fine tune parameter and elektron said to use the editor. Fair enough but its not very immediate.
There is a program for making chains!

both :joy:

it is good to have to flexibility of both.

I agree. I asked for a sample start fine tune parameter and elektron said to use the editor. Fair enough but its not very immediate.
There is a program for making chains![/quote]
There wasn’t when I last time tried to find one! What’s it called?


See the end of this thread for the stand alone application by Lowlife

I prefer single hits. I wish OT had a fine sample start parameter in addition to the coarse one, it’d make life easier.

I haven’t tried… but perhaps make a constant-LFO in the LFO editor and assign it to the start parameter, with very small depth.

I know this trick can be used to make micro-adjustments to pitch, so maybe it will work too for start point?

For Reaktor users, you can use “sample map recorder” ensemble. Drag your 64 samples in an empty map, set the BPM, set the Reaktor build in recorder to: start recording when press play and 64 bars stop. Press play, wait for the samples to play and export the recording to the OT for slicing. Made many sample chains in a few hours this way :slight_smile:

Great, thanks so much for your opinions.

Thanks for that link, @analogback.

for rytm, doubt i would ever use chains. the start and end parameters cannot be edited finely enough for me to be confident with it.

Me too, and small fades!