Hi, received my xoxbox this week…totally made up with it, I’m trying to set up my kit so that OT is master midi, …so midi OUT of Octa-to- midi IN of A4…then midi OUT of A4 to midi IN of xoxbox.
Now the problem is that when pressing play on the OT, everything starts but the xox is not starting from the beginning of the pattern…BUT, if i press start on the A4 it DOES reset to the beginning…also it resets if I come straight out of OT into xox…
U should plug the x0xb0x in the midi-thru of the A4. .
octa_midi_out > a4_midi_in
A4_midi_thru > X0Xbox_midi_in …
something in my memory says a4 is special… so u might have to turn midi-thru on somewhere…
Basicly this is how it works acording to generic midi-spec’s
midi_out contains all midi-data generated by device, but NOT what comes in
midi_thru contains all midi-data coming into midi_in, but is NOT generated by device.
so midi_out is usually used to control other stuff…
midi_thru is used for daisy chaining…
some devices show other behaviour, but these are usually things like midi-controllers / midi-patchbays , or devices that mimics these…
Just a heads up, In my experience also, If you are doing the xoxbox tricks such as note repeat from begining. Or hitting done and looping a 4 note part of the sequence. When you change patterns or restart the psttwrn from beggining it will be synced but off a few beats. Just a quirk to be aware of.