I just picked up a remote 25 sl,mk2… does anybody have an octatrack map they would care to share? or trade?
kindly ( )
Its really easy to map your ot to the sl. You just need to look at the ot midi chart at the back of the manual. Map all the faders to each track, each track is mapped to a different midi channel, next use the buttons to map mute and solo. Can next use the knobs to map to your liking, now its li,e having a custom built mixer, the best addition for your ot
thanks, yeah i thought as mmuch… havn’t got my hands on it yet and unsure how intuitive the software is… so thought id try to cheat!
just looking at the SL ,pretty much have it mapped in my head already!
Program it directly, not with software.
From memory, buttons should be set to: Toggle, LED (I have LED on when muted or solo’d with values 127 and zero), cc49 is mute, cc50 is solo.
On my Zero I have also set up midi channel mutes and solos that use cc’s 112-127.
When you set up a new template, I found I have to go to page 2 of edit to select toggle to get all the parameters on page 1 available.
This is all from memory of course.
Yeah no automap, you just do it manually. So there is the template knob, press it in and you can start a new map. For example each fader is mapped to each track, cc no. 7, track one is midi 1 track 2 is midi 2 etc. Just press edit button and touch the slider to edit, takes 5 mins, and your laughing
Well a bit longer than 5 minutes doing all the buttons! Well it took me longer anyway!
And what about the midi channel?
do you guys set the channel corresponding to the audio track’s channel (1-8 in my case)?
Yes, for the audio tracks set the controllers midi channels to match.
Ok, so the cc control of the audio channels works perfectly fine. Thx so far!
Now for the keyboard to play in samples chromaticaly or the transport control or the drum pats to trigger the samples in case they’re drum samples.
All these things should work on the common channel or am I stupid?
What settings in the background could possibly be wrong?
Still no success with the common channel. Any ideas?
Hey hagbard1st
Your OT settings are perfectly right. Just transpose your midi keyboard further up to the higher octaves …
How is this setup going for you @analogback?
Hey, I must say this is so much more intuitive being able to have hands on all the channel volume faders and effects section. I feel much safer turning the knob more aggressively on SL mk2 than on octatrack.
This was really simple to set up. I use it on Virus also using midi thru to control some deeper menu stuff.
On the other hand i love to use OT only and work on muscle memory of my fingers when jumping from menu to menu.
I am doing this as well.
Is there any more CCS one can use than those in the chart?
I am dreaming of having a way of:
jump to next or prev. pattern
map the x-fader on my Zero25 to cue/mix (so I can fade between cues and mix out in headset with just the fader)
I think neither is possible tho.
hi everyone
sorry to bump this thread, but I just got a Novation Zero SL MKII and I have a few questions, maybe one of you can help me out
- would it be possible to map buttons to select the active track? and if so:
- is there a way to have the encoders display (and refresh) certain parameters based on the currently active track (say, for example, I want to show all Playback parameters, or maybe even change between the different pages - AMP, FX…)? I assume I would need to send MIDI back from the Octa to the Novation, correct me if I’m wrong
Anyone using one with a digitakt?