Notes lenght in sequencer

Hi, my Analog Keys arrived on monday and I’m trying to learn how it works.

I can’t find in the manual how to change note lenght in a track’ sequence, so usually I play and rec live, but I’d like to know if I can do it with the trig buttons ('cause sometimes pushing rec+play and the note on the keyboard takes me some tries to write the 1st note on the 1st step of the sequencer).

I also wrote 4 tracks of 64 steps each and I can’t understand why 3rd track made of 4 notes (each covering 16 steps) acts weird: I mean, when it plays alone each of the 4 notes got the same lenght, the same happens when 2 or 3 tracks are active; when all 4 tracks play the 2nd note of the 3rd track covers 8 steps and the last one doesn’t play at all.
I try to play the 3rd track with different combination of tracks, but it’s all ok, except when a 4th track join in.

What could it be?

  1. Note length – read about LEN parameter on page 33 of english manual (see ‘NOTE MENU’ section).
    If you want to change default length of notes of one track – just change the value of LEN parameter. If you want to have individual notes length on different steps – just lock value of LEN parameter to specific trig (simply change the value of this parameter while holding pressed trig button in rec mode of the sequencer).

  2. Do you use polyphony in your pattern? (carefully read page 18). Probably you have more then one note assigned to one trig on track 3 or 4. How to check – press and hold each active trig button and look on integrated keyboard – it indicates by LEDs which note or notes are assigned to this trig. In case you have more then one note assigned to one trig, synth engine will use synth voices from other tracks. And as AnalogFour has only 4 synth voices it is possible to play only 4 notes simultaneously. As a result if you have more then 4 notes at one seqencer’s step – all extra notes will not be played.

I will check, thank you for your help!