NotePage missing parameters

Sorry guys, but i cant use the Note Page encoders E>J - they are displayed like a small circle with a pixel dot on the top of it.
I can only modify parameter corresponding to A-B-C.

Im drowning in the manual for the third time in search of an explanation…but nothing.
Also searched here, but nothing…but i am not really good in searching :disappointed:

OffTopic: infact i have missed the Arp p-locks threads, and i posted same question :sob:

Anyway…any ideas?

ThAnX a loott!!

those parameters D F>I (no E or J) can only be param locked from a sequenced trig !!

they become active when you place a trig, then plockable


this is normal !!

yeah, i’ve seen that…but actually, still i cant p-lock the two LFO switch…maybe its just too late and i should go sleep…ehehheeh

Also see A4 thread, “Frustrated with A4 Manual” and ALL the germane posts there, to include mine this evening.
I have too many other synths to be “playing” to be required to search about on a forum for how to do this or that OR for unnecessary “work arounds” that I simply do not have enough arms on body or memory in brain to retain.
let’s hope that with the OS update there will come a well-written user manual…please!