Noooooootropics (Nootropics)

aye, anything you ingest that makes you feel good is probably going to have some form of repercussion. what goes up must come down etc

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I’ve found that Rhodiola and Ashwagandha have served my energy and focus needs pretty well for the last 10 years, particularly in my work as a school teacher. Rhodiola works best with breaks I find, so switching between the two seems like a good option.

I also recently began using Niacin (immediate release B3) periodically throughout the day, which offers me an unmistakable invigorating flush followed by a relaxed sense of wellbeing. I take it before I leave for work and before I leave for home, as well as after my lunch. Creating a nice buffer during the working day.


I think that sugar is proof that god is just gaslighting us.


I’m annoyed that quaaludes got banned 10 years before I came of age.

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All are fun to drink in the morning and persons have their preference, but the differences are not material enough to map to the breathless nutraceutical shilling of the “nootropic” category of overpriced goods taken by people who think they’re paying for mind expansion of some variety.

I haven’t caught it, but I’ve heard that Louis Theroux has a special on Quaalude abuse in areas that still allow them and I’m not entirely unhappy that my brain will not be exposed to them.

Well, not defending quaalude use but that must be in South Africa the only place on earth they are still being manufactured as far as I know and where the preferred method of consumption (likely due to economics aka poverty) is by smoking, which makes the their use much more dangerous etc.