Noob Question - OCT, Cycles + VST

Hey Everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster!

I just got the Octatrack mkII and am loving it… I had been messing around with the model cycles for a little while and so the workflow make sense. I’ve had it for a few days and I’m at the point where I can use the Octatrack like the cycles… I know there’s much, much more to it than that…

From what I gather, I think the Octatrack needs a synth buddy to sample from. As mentioned, I have the cycles. I also have Arturia Pigments on the PC with an AKAI MPK Mini MKII controller.

My question is… I would like to be able to record soft synths from the PC into the Octatrack on the fly, mangle them a bit, maybe sample some drums from the cycles, build up tracks on the Octatrack, and then live record it into Ableton or Bitwig.

Do I need an Audio Interface for this? Can my Model Cycles somehow act as the Audio Interface? If I do need an interface, does anyone have any recommendations?

Follow up question: does this workflow make sense? Any tips or recommendations are also very welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Yes. :slight_smile:

Yeah, you´d need some kind of audio interface. A simple 2x2 usb audio interface (edit, sry, meant 4x4) or a small mixer with inbuilt audio interface will do.

Well, you can actually do synthesis with the OT, but sampling other stuff of course is a whole world in itself. Loading single cycle waveforms (here´s a nice library to get started) onto flex tracks and using the filter will give you basicallyy a simple one oscillator synth with modulation. Use more tracks for chords and the master track to run all voices through the same filter and other fx. Noise samples can be used as well, you can even do percussion synthesis, kick drums, hats etc.
The comb filter can do some nice melodic stuff, but also otherwordly sounds.


Hey Schnork! Thanks a lot for your reply. That’s really cool about the single cycles waveforms tip, I’ll definitely check this out and cheers for sending on the link to the library :smiley:

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Glad I could help. Here´s some stuff to get you started with OT synthesis. Check out what @sezare56 posted in the Cymbals and Metallic Percussion Thread if you want to hear what the OT is actually capable of! Still blows my mind^^


That’s really cool thanks! What a beast!

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If you want to use your OT with a computer, you should take a look at a 4 in 4 out interface (check Focusrite, affordable and very good)
You can connect the main out of the OT into the main in of the soundcard to record your stuff, and connect the CUE out of the OT into the 3-4 of your soundcard, and finally the 3-4 out of your soundcard into the AB (or CD) input of your OT.
So you can sample your softsynth from the computer, and extend FX by sending a track to a CUE output, process the input with your FX chain from your DAW and send it back to the OT input.


Thanks that sounds incredible! Probably a bit beyond my capability at the moment but it’s always good to futureproof. I was half thinking of adding a turntable to the mix for sampling at some point - thinking best of both worlds, the power of vsts + the fun of sampling. So best to get the 4x4. Thanks for the tip I’ll try to pick up a focusrite :ok_hand:


I actually wanted to write 4x4. Sry, with a 2x2 you’ll usually have the 2 outputs hooked up to speakers (or headphones), so in order to sample anything from your DAW you’d have to use those and then you’ll have to watch out for feedback loops etc. Like @blaize mentioned, better get a 4x4 or at least 2 In/4 Out for the OT. Also consider other gear you have (you mentioned the Model:Cycles) or plan getting. There are pretty decent audio interfaces fairly unexpensive.

Hey! No worries I figured that… I’ll get one then that will allow for some future expansion just in case. Thanks for your help :ok_hand: