Quite a step up from the Boss machine I’ve used for years, to say the least!
I’ve been slowly learning the layout / functions etc…waiting to ask questions until I got more experience.
Today I’m struggling with the snapshots/kits/songs:
So I have two songs made, each with a different kit. One stock kit (Soul) and one I added via midi (LM-2)
I have everything from those two songs (kits, songs, samples I added) saved in Global slot 1 saved together in one Snapshot.
Here’s what is frustrating me:
When I load one song (that was saved in all ways before moving to the next one) it’ll play the patterns and sequences, but the kit layout is all screwed up…wrong drums on the wrong pads. I’ll load the kit again and it won’t change. The only thing that fixes it is going back into Global slot 1 and reload the sample bank that has the kit I am using in the song. That works fine. But I know that is not how it should be.
Is it putting two different projects in one snapshot?
First problem is you are mixing up ‘kits’ and ‘samplebanks’ it sounds like - I am assuming if you added it ‘via midi’ then you are talking about samplebanks.
You have to manually load sample banks, each ‘snapshop’ is associated by default with one sample bank. So if you want to load another samplebank, you have to do it manually (you can hold down function and song setup to get to this menu quickly).
But samplebanks are not saved with the kit - the samplebanks are separate and interchangeable.
The other night I was playing around with a song I made that also uses several samples from a sample bank, and when I switched Snapshots I had the same problem you had. Ended up really frustrated and wondering if my shit was broken.
Now that I see you have the same issue, I wonder if it is a bug, or just a strange design decision.