Hi guys, i suspect some issues here.
First: while i was performing some Kit menu actions then back to synth pages - then back into Kit menu to save it by renaming…the A4 freezes! The sound was a stretched version of the pattern and no buttons nor knobs were working.
So i switched it off then on back again and all fine.
After…i decided to make some order between two projects. Needed to backup some Pattern+Kit into C6.
I did everything as i normally do (every time, so far, has worked perfectly)
C6 was in receiving state - A4 sent the sysex then visualizing COMPLETE.
no files were received at C6!!
I tried, then, to send something TO A4.
It worked perfectly.
•So i changed usb cable - no luck
•I used C6 on my laptop (instead the studio computer) - no luck.
•Switched the A4 off then on - no luck
Gonna try a Factory Reset on a blank project (after saving the current)
So far…i am not able anymore to backup anything outside the A4…
PLEASE, if you have any ideas or cues share it!
EDIT #1*
The sysex send works only with ‘Presets’ project.
But i swear it worked also with my other 2 projects, until yesterday(?)
Not now.
I tried also to create a blank new project but nor from here it does the sending.
I tried also Factory Reset - no luck.
Something looks corrupted…im starting to be really afraid.
I’ll try next an OS re-installing?
Or should i be aware of something??!