No midi learn from monomachine

So I perform the following steps:

[li]octatrack to mnm as a master, (with 2 midi-cables)[/li]
[li]enable CC DIRECT CONNECT [/li]
[li]go to CC1-10[/li]
[li]Press F+Knob to get “turn knob on the device” message[/li]

Then i proceed to turn some monomachine knobs but OT doesn’t pick this up. The message stays on screen.

When i enter CC number manually (picking one from the MnM chart) it works: i can see mnm parameter movement and record it to OT.

I don’t have other midi devices to check if the problem is on mnm or OT side.

What am i doing wrong?

i have the same problem. can someone help please?

There is a setting in MNM(Control Out 2 i beleive) where you can pick Encoder Destination. Pick Int+Ext

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Are you sure? There’s no such option on my MnM mk2+

This is what the above poster is referencing. It is definitely on the mkii.


ah that! :man_facepalming:

it works! thnx! :thup: