No CV clock out in 1.1b

Since upgrading I can’t get any of the CV channels to send a clock out.

I have tried on each of the 4 channels and am attempting to clock a Metropolis and/or a Moskwa.

Settings as follows:

BPM 120.0
CV Type: Clock
Length: 32
Polarity: V-Trig
Level: 5.0 V

Those I think are the defaults and don’t remember needing to change any of them previously.

Was clocking the Metropolis on Saturday night, upgraded on Sunday morning and no more clock. Nothing else has changed in my setup.

Having the Metropolis set to Ext clock, it only gets up to a BPM of 7. Looks like about the same on the Moskwa.

Am I just derping and missing something obvious? Can anyone else confirm whether they are able to send a CV clock in 1.1?

Thanks for your help.

This is resolved, was user error.