NI KKS61 doesn't change when I switch sounds on Digitone

Only when I reload a sound does my keyboard switch to the current track/sound, but not when I switch tracks on digitone or when I am previewing sounds to select. I’m a newbie and having trouble figuring this out as I haven’t worked with midi a ton. Any help would be much appreciated. Just running midi out of my Native Instruments KK s61 straight into Digitone. Thanks.

Are you using the Auto Channel of the DN as the Midi channel of the controller keyboard !

Will check. Should I be?

Possibly, maybe.

So I am wondering if that means I need to have MIDI out going to my keyboard, instead of just midi out coming from the keyboard. Thanks for help.

It’s hard for others to comment without clearer info about exactly what you want to achieve and what you’ve tried - wrt the title “ni-kks61-doesnt-change-when-i-switch-sounds-on-digitone” - it’s not clear to me (not an NI owner) what you expect here - i wouldn’t expect any keyboard to ‘change’ when a sound was changed on an Elektron device (don’t know DN either) - but on the other devices there’s no correspondence to the outside world when you change sounds or kits but a Pattern change can be flagged up (as a MIDI Program Change Message) - the only way to remotely know what has changed on the DN would be to use OB which is not what you are discussing/needing

If you have an external MIDI keyboard set to the Auto channel of the DN, when you change tracks on the DN the ext kbd will play the selected track

Okay, thank you for the info. Apologies for my lack of knowledge here. “If you have an external MIDI keyboard set to the Auto channel of the DN, when you change tracks on the DN the ext kbd will play the selected track” is exactly what I need to happen. I will dig on changing the channels to auto.

Looks like I had it set to channel 10. Switching the auto channel to 1 on DN got me set. Thanks again.