Thank you for ending my suffering
I knew that much, but I would have never guessed the correct identity. I didn’t know it existed.
Ah, okay. Yeah, I had no clue also, and would not have been able to figure it out.
It’s up to you. The Vidami Blue is a video controller, not a music controller, synthesizer, processor, sampler, etc.
Looks more like a learning tool than anything that goes against the spirit of the thread. I vote that you get a pass (if you want).
I think the long-term redeeming value of NGNY for sinners and pure souls alike is the intention — we’re all trying to be better about buying things needlessly, getting distracted by shiny new toys, budgeting in a smart way, etc. The periodic slip-ups are less important than the larger intention.
I just read a post in this forum where someone was venting their frustration over a product that hasn’t come out yet, because it doesn’t exist yet, in fact hasn’t even been announced yet. People torture themselves over invisible things because they’re trained to want more, more, more.
If you’re practicing gratitude and attempting to silence that greedy, entitled voice we all have in our heads, then I think you’re succeeding at NGNY regardless of how your transactions shake out.
This is so true. No doubt in my mind that some of the problem is cultural/societal.
Need (ours) created by (others) greed - a generalisation about Neo-capitalism of course.
Reminds me of that quote about telling the truth being revolutionary in a society of lies. Can’t remember who it was by!
Today I kinda used the loophole in NGNY of being a business owner.
A friend of mine who also happens to live across the street from us, works for a moving company. They mostly move businesses and government offices and such. Quite often he stumbles on perfectly good stuff that’s meant to be thrown in the garbage. So he saves them by taking them home. Now he’s on a winter holiday and he’s started cleaning up his closets and he sends me pics of all the nice gear he’s saved in all the years he’s been in the business.
This morning I bought a beautiful modular 70s broadcast mixer from Soundcraft from him for 50€. I bought it for my shop to use as a PA-mixer etc, but when I posted a pic of the mixer on my shop’s social media it only took like 15 minutes and there was a dude with money in his hand, ready to buy it off me. Sold it for 120€ which was very cheap but I still made a good profit.
There’s a saying that you can’t have a cake and eat it too. I kinda feel like I’m proving it wrong. I got the adrenaline/endorphine rush of buying a beautiful piece of second hand gear but also sold it in an hour’s time and didn’t break any rules.
jamuary was a blast. I don’t have a big temptation to buy new gear often because i don’t have lots of money, but i always enjoyed seeing what exists. making music is a great way to avoid even looking. it’ll be hard to avoid looking at guitar pedals, but we’ll see. I am going to keep working on ‘jamuary’ as a weekly thing to try to write full songs. could help carry you forward too
I cracked and ordered a midi controller to get maximum immediacy to the OT and other Elektron boxes.
I feel ashamed and yet ecstatic to admit this. No excuses, I was too weak.
However I will attempt to not buy anything else this year.
The only thing that Elektron gear falls a bit short IMO is the lack of immediacy and this way I will be able remedy that substantially. It’s not a new synth but it’s definitely gear lol.
You also sold some lucky soul some very decent pre-amps and a very nice analog summing unit for the price of a Volca, so add a selfless act kindness to a stranger to your daily work.
I expected NGNY to be stressful, but I feel quite great about not being able to buy gear. I don’t have to read reviews, or search online for deals. All of my gear efforts are for learning my own gear and creating music
not gonna lie. im off the #NGNY22 wagon. sorry, y’all, but a dood got needs.
I still haven’t bought anything. What’s helping is I have zero extra money right now. I guess poverty is a good motivator for NGNY…
Yeah. I’m both unemployed and productive with what I have right now. Good combo for avoiding GAS.
Take care out there - hope to see you next year
Edit - couldn’t find you on this list? Oh well, doesn’t matter now.
Got some GAS building atm… Nothing too serious, I’m perfectly calm right now as it’s a piece I’m happy to wait and (possibly) get next year, as time is limited right now anyway and seems 2nd hand prices aren’t going to shoot up anytime soon. I’ve also already had this particular piece once before so there’s that - I mean, I did have a reason to get rid of it the first time around.
But another funny thing with GAS is that once I’ve started wanting a piece of gear I often start to see it EVERYWHERE. Anyone else experiencing Baader-Meinhof GAS?
Just wondering if anyone else had a psuedo-GAS type feeling for free from the new Digitone update?