"Newbie" Midi question


First question from me…
I have been working with synths for many years - but always avoiding using midi more than necassery. Always seemed to be a lot of work for me to figure all the seetings out…

But now I would really like to make this work!

The simple setup, for now:
I have the OT, and a Virus C (no keyb. version) that I want to talk together :-).

I can midi-sequence the Virus from OT, but cannot record midi-changes (filters etc.) made on the Virus. (Yes, midi in-out IS connected both ways)

I have setup the Virus: Global Channel: 1, Midi device ID : 1. (Dont think there are more relevant midi parameters to change here…). I play in Single mode… (for the moment).

OT: Midi note setup: Chan 01. Autochannel: 1. Trig channels set to: Off (I read somewhere this should be the way to do it).

I have tried realtime recording, and step changes (pressing a step, while changing a filter on the virus), but nothing seems to be recorded.

I can record changes made in OT to Virus, but not changes made in Virus.

What should I look for? (Prob. a very simple thing!)

Thank you, for your time!


hey moogens ,

welcome to the board

try page 112 of the physical manual or 124 of the pdf. that will get you set up correctly for what you’re trying to do.

if you’re still having trouble after that come back with your queries.

While in MIDI mode note data and CC values can be recorded in real time to the active
MIDI track. Activate LIVE RECORDING mode by pressing [REC] + [PLAY]. For the MIDI
track to register incoming MIDI data, the note or CC data needs to be sent either to the
auto channel, which is set in the CHANNELS menu, or to the MIDI channel of the active
When recording note data, chords consisting of up to four notes can be recorded. Note
length, velocity and aftertouch will be recorded as well.
When recording CCs using the auto channel, two different scenarios exist. When CC
DIRECT CONNECT is enabled, only CCs which have been specified in the CTRL 1 and
CTRL 2 SETUP menus can be recorded. All other MIDI messages will be sent straight to
the MIDI OUT port. When CC DIRECT CONNECT is disabled, CC messages 16-45 can be
recorded. Note that CC messages 36-45 are directly linked to the ten available CTRL 1 and
CTRL 2 SETUP parameters. Sending for example CC message 36 to the Octatrack will
affect the CC#1 parameter of the CTRL 1 SETUP menu. The CC message will be converted
to the CC value specified by CC#1 and then sent to the MIDI OUT port. Read more
on how to set the auto channel in the section “MIDI” on page 41. Read more about CC
DIRECT CONNECT on page 37.
To add MIDI notes and MIDI parameter locks on the Octatrack sequencer on a per trig
basis, select the track you want to input data to, keep a [TRIG] key pressed and send the
note data or CC messages to the auto channel or the MIDI channel of the active track. The
CC DIRECT CONNECT setting will affect the reception of the CCs in the same way as
when live recording, described above.
• If several MIDI tracks have been assigned the same MIDI channel, only the active
track will record notes or CC data.
• Messages received on the MIDI channel of the active MIDI track always behave as
if CC DIRECT CONNECT is activated.
• When CC DIRECT CONNECT is enabled the Octatrack can record and play back
knob tweaks made directly on an external MIDI device. Connect for example a synthesizer,
which preferably has been set to local off, to both the MIDI IN and OUT
ports of the Octatrack. Make sure the synth knobs send CCs and that those CC
messages are sent either to the auto channel or to the MIDI channel of the active
track. Also make sure the CC values of the knobs that should be recorded have
been set in the CTRL 1/CTRL 2 SETUP menus. The MIDI CC learn functionality,
which can be performed in these menus, is a quick way of setting the CCs. When
LIVE RECORDING mode is active and a knob, sending a CC value specified in one
of the CTRL 1/CTRL 2 SETUP menus, is turned on the synthesizer, the knob turn
will be recorded by the Octatrack sequencer. This behavior also applies when setting
parameter locks. Press a [TRIG] key, turn a synth knob that has been specified
in one of the CTRL 1/CTRL 2 SETUP menus, and the synth parameter will be
locked accordingly.
• See “OCTATRACK AS A MIDI CONTROL CENTER” on page 127 for a tutorial how
the Octatrack can be set up with external MIDI devices when CC DIRECT CONNECT
is activated.

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I’ve got the TI Snow and never got the loop closed regarding sending CC data back from the Snow to the OT. In fact, I never got the knobs to auto detect either.

My work-around was to assign the knobs on the MIDI panes of the OT to the CC numbers for the soft-knobs and just turned those. Also lets you use the LFO’s which are a tiny bit more useful on the OT than on the TI IMO.


Tank you, both.
I did read the manual, but maybe now more thoroughly…
I do not understand midi, but:
YEAH I made it happen!
A little strange workflow, that you have to set OT’s controllers to the same midi CC as the synth filters you want to record, but IT WORKS (after some work and help from you!).

So CCQ: when I can do this, so can you. Im totally midi stupid! :wink:
Im not in multimode thou… yet.
NeXT is having a midi-gate converter controlling some old analog stuff. Actually I might dump the Virus… Not crazy about it…

“you have to set OT’s controllers to the same midi CC as the synth”
Read this five times and now I get it. Cool, but only half of my problem. There’s a feature to have the knobs on the OT learn what CC you’re sending when you twist a knob on the TI. (Funct-knobPress I think, and maybe a step before the record step) I never got that to work but I don’t automate that much anyway. Thinking about it now, I wonder what role the fact that I’ve only got soft-knobs makes in the equation.

The only other thing I ever wanted to ‘learn’ was the Minitaur which doesn’t have MIDI out so I printed out the cheat sheet and taped it to the bottom.

I love/hate the TI. The bass is still tight, it sits in the mix just so, and the endless features (distortion, reverb, delay, EQ!) makes it so hard to walk away from. But with all of the affordable analog coming out and even the yet to be heard Aira, it’s harder and harder to hold on to. But none of those are multi-timbral. There’s a lot of value there.

Hope this helps!

U have to be in editmode: function+ctrl1 or ctrl2
Then u can make the buttons learn by pressing function+ button.

hi guys,
is there anyone who can explain with example of use for this midi setup page?
I really don’t understand the midi logic.
My main purpose is to control to a synth and the mbase from a master keyboard and then record it on OT.
I already understand the auto-channel trick but for the rest…

Hello/bonjour virgil4,
You already made a separate thread on the forum
where you asked us to help you with your MIDI setup.

I’m going to try to reply to your questions there.