I’m a newbie, and I’d like to know if the following is possible.
Can I record a pattern on the pads, i.e.:
Bang-Bang … Tissash
Then can I “save” that as a block and assign it to a trigger pad? - So that when the sequencer is playing, when it hits the trigger, it will play the Bang-Bang… Tissash?
…and I could put that on every 4th trigger?
Does that make any sense at all? - Would that also work the same on an Octatrack?
imo this kind of stuff would be a really cool next step for the Elektron sequencers…
recallable phrases or figures, basically like little arpeggios but more sophisticated… possibly with fancy things like probability inside. basically, sequencer trigs could be meta-trigs for firing these phrases.
i guess the AR retrig is a little like this, but from what we’ve seen of the retrig functionality it’s not that advanced…