Newbie: bang-bang-tizzash


I’m a newbie, and I’d like to know if the following is possible.

Can I record a pattern on the pads, i.e.:

Bang-Bang … Tissash

Then can I “save” that as a block and assign it to a trigger pad? - So that when the sequencer is playing, when it hits the trigger, it will play the Bang-Bang… Tissash?

…and I could put that on every 4th trigger?

Does that make any sense at all? - Would that also work the same on an Octatrack?

Thanks for your help?


The RYTM won’t be able to do this on its own. You could record it into the OT and then play it as a loop.

If you are just using the OT you could sequence the pattern and then resample it to have a loop.

Agree with above ^

There is however a way round if you don’t have an OT

Record it to your DAW and then send it back to the AR as a sample, then you can trigger the loop with one pad.

Sounds a bit tricky, but Overbridge might make this process quite quick

imo this kind of stuff would be a really cool next step for the Elektron sequencers…
recallable phrases or figures, basically like little arpeggios but more sophisticated… possibly with fancy things like probability inside. basically, sequencer trigs could be meta-trigs for firing these phrases.

i guess the AR retrig is a little like this, but from what we’ve seen of the retrig functionality it’s not that advanced…

Thanks guys…

@tsv, are you saying, I can do this with an Octatrack?

Yeah the Tempest does that in beat mode. It would be a great feature.

Yes you can create a beat on the octatrack and have it sample itself then use that as your loop. Rinse and repeat. :slight_smile:

I have another (probably, very) newbie question if someone could answer:

Is there anyway to save tempos to patterns or projects?


All the elektron boxes save tempo, and other information, with the SONG mode.

Cool. Thank you kindly for your time.