Newb question

I’m following the EZBOT template instructions video. I just have my Eurorack AB input, so slightly modified. My problems are… so far I have failed miserably to get freeze delay to work. My master track recorder creates a sample as expected, and I can audition between live and the sample with the scene slider. But my flex track recording AB via the neighbor track produces nothing. It acts like it’s recording silence (noise floor). I have run through the video 4 times. I realize this is not enough information to get help… just starting a conversation.

what’s the question again?

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Track 1 is a Thru from AB. Track 2 is a Neighbor. Track 3 is a flex recording track 2. And all I get is noise floor. Also, when I arm track 3 flex, I get recordings on both track 3 flex buffer and track 4 flex buffer. It’s also weird that in AED track 3 says recording 3>recording3 and in 4 it just Recording 4. Also, I had some weirdness with my saved project. A lot of my settings seem to have been lost. I swapped cards briefly, and since then loading my project it looks pretty different from what I saved last night. My static tracks have no samples now, and my sample pool is empty. Track 4 was a flex last night, and it was a static when I reloaded.

I’m confused is the issue with freeze delay or with recording? Freeze delay doesn’t care about recording buffers.

Frankly, it’s both, but I’m starting with a fresh project now. We’ll see how I get on tonight.

I got it figured out. The whole (live on AB / record buffer on CD) scene vs the opposite on another scene lost me. I don’t have anything yet on CD. Now I have freeze and recording as EZbot intended all working. I blame my foot surgery today. Having a numb toe for an hour and a half definitely muddled my brain. :wink:


Do most people have trouble deciding what gain levels to set where. There seem to be so many places to change them it’s not clear where is the “best” place to set them.

edit: I had the Merlin guide printed and bound… I see why it’s so popular.

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