Hi, I use the Octatrack in a live situation where I’ll be triggering and manipulating samples in an improvised manner, no per-arrangements.
Some things I’d like to do are:
-Mute settings associated with banks , can you do this? I need to control how I bring in samples, The mutes can’t be determined by whatever track I played last
-I write a lot in six bar phrases, I can link two three bar phrases manually when playing back but can I lock them together so they will always play this way? As well can I lock then to record?
-Is there a way to set the saved version of a a bank as the default? I don’t want the sampler to always revert to the last state of fiddling.
I believe you’re (we’re) SOL on mute-saving within/between banks. I got very used to this kind of approach with my electribe years ago, but I believe mutes are not a specific parameter you can save within specific banks.
Not sure exactly what you’re asking about the phrase issue…
For the banks, do you mean while changing between banks? As in, while playing 1n Bank 1, say, you change several parameters (by fiddling), then go to Bank 2, and at some point you’d like to return to the original Bank 1 setting, without your fiddled/changed parameters saved? I personally don’t know if this is possible, but I’m curious if others know.