EP–1320 medieval - teenage engineering
Jeuz that ugly!
Wait is it April fools day? How long did I sleep?!?!?
those swedish teens really be doing whatever they damn well please. practically said “buy it or don’t, we don’t care”
Jokes aside, is this just a colorway for the Knockout 2 with preloaded samples?
What an odd product design…
Has a new arpeggiator. Ep-133 could use that.
Seems like it- there can be no excuse for that font!
i love it
cocoa scented paeds
This has to be a joke right?
‘‘The EP–1320 Medieval boasts hundreds of expertly recorded medieval instruments, including strings, bows, drums, percussion, and foley. Each instrument has been meticulously sampled and is playable across the device’s pads. One of the standout features is the demo mode, which allows users to explore built-in sounds, making it ideal for themed events like banquets or fetes.’’
Well there’s something different!
Don’t forget “Punch-in pocus”
the madlads did it, huzzah, joyous day!
Just waiting for some gimp with a medieval KO and backpack to upload a jam from Stonehenge
Well this feels like TEs Red Wedding moment…
Actually quite hilarious to be fair
I love teenage engineering, have an opz and the way they integrated the sequencer is really amazing, the design is inspiring as well.
This is just embarrassing, are they selling a medieval sample pack for 299 or whatever this monstrosity cost??
I guess its better than the time/expense of releasing a new FW to shift units…For them anyhow.
I love TE. Eager for an update OP-Z.
But this… this is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen. Weird and “different” but man, what a terrible set of palettes and fonts.
Sounds like someone went to medieval times and got a little too inspired.
wow hahaha, absolute madlads, love it.