New sound pack

Hi fellas!
I wonder what’s gonna happen with my patterns and kits if i will replace existing sounds for new one?
What should I do If I want to keep my work untouched but I still want new sounds too.

Back up everything to your computer. Load new stuff. Take notes of what you like, and then reload your original patches, in addition to the ones you like from the new ones.

Nothing will happen to your Kits; Kits do not access the Sounds in the Sound Pool.
But the Sound Locks in the Patterns do. So if you overwrite Sounds which are used as Sound Locks in any of your Patterns, your work will be affected.

Thank you for your all answers.

Nothing will happen to your Kits; Kits do not access the Sounds in the Sound Pool.
But the Sound Locks in the Patterns do. So if you overwrite Sounds which are used as Sound Locks in any of your Patterns, your work will be affected.[/quote]
Can you clarify what’s quoted below Void from the Analog Four manual?

A pattern, controlling the playback of the kit, is always linked to a kit. Changing patterns therefore means the kit might be changed as well.

A Kit contains:
• Sounds loaded to the 4 synth tracks.
• FX track parameter settings.
• CV track parameter settings.
• LEVEL settings for the Synth and FX tracks.
• PERFORMANCE mode parameter settings.

A Sound contains:
• Settings for the PARAMETER pages of a synth track.
• The LCD graphics in the right part of the screen shows the currently active kit. When the [TRACK] keys are pressed, this information will briefly change to reflect the name

here’s a little drawing:

Every Pattern “looks at” one Kit, more than one Pattern can use the same Kit.
If you load a Sound from the Sound Pool into a Kit, it is copied into the Kit.

But if you use Sound Locks in a Pattern, the pattern uses the Sounds in the Sound Pool for that.

This means that you have to be careful with sending Sounds to the A4, if you make use of Sound Locks.

Okay, if these Sounds relied on FX Track Parameter settings then there would be an issue. Got it.