New Song. What genre would you put this stuff in?

Definitely helps getting feedback. I’ve noticed that myself and try to return that to others who may, or may not be, struggling with motivation. As much as some might say they only make music for themselves or don’t care what others think, I have a hard time believing that’s true in all cases. Not to get too psychological, but perhaps it’s a defense mechanism. A way to preemptively detach themselves from harsh criticism, or even worse, zero responses to their output. A large part of art is expressing ourselves by non-verbal means; expressing ourselves to others. If we put our heart into creating something, and then feel no one is listening, well, that can add up over time and lead to discouragement and like you say, maybe even quitting. That’s not always a terrible thing. Maybe people who quit one form of art will pick up another and find it suits them better. Maybe. Any way you slice it, it’s tough out there for niche genre indie musicians. Glad to see a supportive community online, especially when people live in places where there’s not really a local electronic music community.
