Elektron is out of stock on Octrack. I want one but do you think they will release an updated version ?
No. Although the official reason for the delays is due to parts shortages, Elektron have stated here recently that there are no plans to either discontinue the OT or produce a new edition. Your best bet is to get your order in and wait, or look for a used one.
Yeah, Im already on the waiting list for one. They didnt announce it to work with overbridge though. But that might be for several reasons right? Either it doesnt have the hardware for it, or it maybe doesnt need overbridge in the same way a analog machine does since its all digital and no doesnt need analog AD conversion.
The OT should in theory be able to send all 8 channels directly to daw right out of the box as i see it, right?
Octatrack doesn’t have the required hardware to support Overbridge - only the new analogue boxes do.
I believe the Octatrack will be in stock soon, as others have stated - apparently required parts are in short supply at the moment. Annoying, but not much we can do to change the situation!
they told me octattrack will be again in stock at the end of september, i suspect them to have sold some news unit to some retailers in europe, somes were out of stock since a long time and have somes unit for sale at the moment.
i think it wi be very soon in stock on the elektron online store
Thomann is showing the OT in stock as of the start of this week.
Just a heads up if you are looking for a new one.
The OT won’t be getting Overbridge. It’s a hardware limitation that couldn’t be solved unless Elektron made a MKII/offered an upgrade, as well as designing Overbridge to work for the OT. You could record all 8 tracks individually or create different busses, but nothing as tidy as what Overbridge promises. That said, once you lay hands on the Octatrack it will probably be less of a concern…but I wouldn’t think twice if an upgrade came to be.
Indeed offering an upgrade and releasing new units with the upgraded hardware must have crossed there mind… That’s compromise for any existing users who says they wouldn’t be happy.
Did they? I must’ve missed that one, do you have a link?
No sarcasm intended
The octatrack would actually be perfect with overbridge. I hope they do a mk2 for octatrack with overbridge. 8out-8in. Perfect!
Did they? I must’ve missed that one, do you have a link?
No sarcasm intended
I’ll have to see if I can find it a little later, but Jon made a statement on here in the last month or two.
Did they? I must’ve missed that one, do you have a link?
No sarcasm intended
Here are a couple of statements by Elektron personnel in this forum regarding the Octatrack:
By Jon on 31 July 2014:
Reference here:
By Olle on 5 August 2014:
Reference here:
By Jon on 21 August 2014:
Reference here:
I’ve just ordered an Octatrack from DV247 here in the UK.
Let’s hope they’ve got it!!!
They do seem to have some at Thomann too.
…they don’t.
even thomann get’s new deliveries only in packeges of ten…
i was number 8 on the last waiting list…28 customers still in line…even one in australia…
next official date…30st of september…if it’s just another ten ot’s showing up, the waiting game can take another while…
mine was fixed for the 15th of august…came last week…
what’s overbridge, by the way?
i’m still getting used to this version of the ot…i don’t see any need for an upgrade…
maybe some more ram…
but that’s it…and what makes elektron the company it is, is the simple fact that their designs are kind of timeless…
i would raise more than an eyebrow if they would announce a new ot design…
it’s the metric halo factor…building stuff to last forever…there are no old mashines…
even the first designs are still up to date and still on sale…
that’s a policy i trust…
and i expect it to be the same here…
For now it’s almost 9 months of parts shortages. Time for a new hardware version of the OT because they are missing a lot of OT sales this way!
Sorta feel like an Octa MKII may be on the horizon too. If I recall correctly, the MKII’s of the Monomachine and Machinedrum came about because of parts getting scarce to source. Seems to be a repeat. Despite Elektron’s size and the increased popularity, I find it hard to believe that all three machines which have been OOS for months, wouldn’t have had small batches trickle through the supply chain.
For anyone looking, call up or email moogaudio in Toronto (queen street location) they have 1 or 2 left in stock. I am not aware of any other place having them in hand in north america at the moment.
…i’d feel fooled if they would show up with a new ot design instead of a decent UPDATE!!!
keep us updated , guys…really…rytm and a4 are really nice…but the ot is your machine where you crossed borders and took a step beyond…make it finally the machine it could be…