With the release of the FM bass drum and FM snare what will be the next machines if any?
From a hardware point of view I don’t know whether digital machines are possible i.e. Machine Drum Machines, but would love to know more.
With the release of the FM bass drum and FM snare what will be the next machines if any?
From a hardware point of view I don’t know whether digital machines are possible i.e. Machine Drum Machines, but would love to know more.
There was a ring mod kick machine loaded on one of the beta OS at one of the trade shows. I expect that once it is properly tweaked.
Cool, nice to know
Theoretically possible since there’s a DAC in the signal path for the sample support, but I don’t think they’re planning to include that since 1. it‘s already labelled as “Sample” on the front of the unit and Elektron likes to keep stuff obvious, and 2. because there‘s probably no CPU or DPS power left to do any MD-level digital sound generation.
It will be a lot more synthesis i know. At the end of the year this machine will be another ballgame.
Analogue glitch and crackle machine please. Samples are so 1990.
The reason I brought it up was from watching the recent Sonic State video with Cenk.
It was mentioned that there is a plan for more machines to be rolled out and that got me thinking.
I’d really like to see input machines - but don’t think it is possible as the inputs do not appear to be pre filter, a shame IMHO.
Midi machines just like the MD, to allow other drum sounds/modules to be sequenced from the Rytm.
Clock/Pulse machines for modular pinging.
Sampling RAM machines, like the UW, simple and capable or resampling. Bit instead of a separate play and record machine, have it on the same machine, and a p-lock button for record and another p-lock button for play.
+1 on all of those darenger. But how realistic is it, since they’ve basically said no outright to two of those three ideas?
This !
I haven’t tried this myself yet, but i bet this could be easily done already on any track/machine by using an appropriate sample (and turning down the synth level).
More flexibility on hi-hats would be nice.
I haven’t tried this myself yet, but i bet this could be easily done already on any track/machine by using an appropriate sample (and turning down the synth level).[/quote]
Of course you can, that’s so obvious, thanks Petur!
Any kind of sharp attack/short decay sound will do it - like a drum hit
Just send the signal through an amp/attenuator module to balance the AR signal out level to get a good ping or gate. It may even not need this.
Mine has just arrived and is sitting at home. Will have to try this later. I’ve a really tasty Acidlab 808 BD module that is just crying out for this.
Not to derail, but does anyone know if the individual outs are muted when the individual tracks are midi-muted on the machine?
That would be great and I agree, a real shame. Envelope followers/gates rock.
Korg had room in their budget to fit it into the MS-20 back in the day.