Twisted Electrons have made a SID synthesizer with a knob/button-based interface, modulation sequencer, clever LFO assigning approach and wooden ends:
I’m getting real close to getting this. Do you know if it comes with a US power supply or are they all 220v. I left an email for them and hopefully they will answer that question.
I never buy an instrument by impulse but this is one I will. This and my AR and some recording device will be fun for days
I was on the sammich Sid list a while back but had to give up my spot because of how too busy I would be if I built it. I’m still busy and having a prebuilt 6581 unit is good for me. It’s got knobs too.
PES when did you order yours? Are you in the US or Europe?
According to the website they are limited. I’m assuming it’s the real deal. Is the 6581 chip an analog filter? Man I wanna do drum loops on my eps and drive it through this machine so bad!
Yeah, limited chip supplies, plus they sell chipless units where you have to provide your own chip. I ordered a chipless one since I’ve got a 6581 from a MIDIbox SID project I abandoned years ago. One can also use a 8580 chip.
The chip has got the whole synth on it, and the filter is analogue.
As I understand it the sequence is a 16 step pattern that is stored with each preset sound. Basically a modulation sequencer like on DSI synths (so no note on/offs, but pitches can be changed per step).
There wasn’t any mention of saving patterns in the manual; that’s why I thought it might not have pattern memory.
As I understand it the sequence is a 16 step pattern that is stored with each preset sound. Basically a modulation sequencer like on DSI synths.
I haven’t found anywhere how many simultaneous parameters it can control.
edit: “16 Step Modulator: sequence up to 20 knob positions, per step in a snap!”
^^ this sounds interesting …ermmm…sounds like p-locks to me [/quote]
And if the rate knob is set to minimum, you can scrub through the sequence using the step knob. That sounds useful for playing arpeggio fills etc at will.
Would be great if the mod sequencer could be started by pressing the sustain pedal, and have it stop once you release it. According to the manual there’s already a nice feature involving the pedal:
"Pedal glide allows you to switch glide on/off during a performance.
To set the pedal-glide values, hold the sustain pedal down while positioning the glide knobs to taste. Whenever the sustain pedal is held, the 3 glide settings will override the glide knobs."
Perhaps they could add a similar feature where you engaged sequencer on/off by the pedal by pressing the Snap button while the pedal is pressed (and do the same once more to disengage it).
I couldn’t help myself, and ordered one yesterday with the 6581 chip included.
The only thing I’m missing is an envelope for the filter, but I guess that can be sorted in Logic via MIDI.
Re: filter envelopes, if I read the manual correctly you can set LFOs to be one-shot. OK, it’s not an ADSR but then you don’t get that on an Octatrack either!
One thing that I looked for but it seems to be missing: targeting an LFO with an LFO e.g. LFO 1 modulates LFO 2 speed/depth
I hope they can add that at some point as it would expand the modulation capability massively.
Using the LFO for filter sweep is at least better than nothing
Personally I’ll use this with Logic, and I recently figured out there was a ton of useful MIDI effects such as modulators with assignable envelopes there, so that’ll cover me at least.