New Critter and Guitari Organelle hardware updates

Is there a european distributor for this thing? I don’t want to import it myself.

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I am glad they updated the processor and RAM, since this will now be able to handle much more complex pd units… and then link them together in Orac.

But the speaker makes this thing bigger and kills the appeal. If they wanted instant street cred they could have hired an artist to do a limited edition paint job.

I find it bizarre that they now have tons of room but nonetheless used minijacks for the MIDI. So dongles are needed. More cruft, more space taken up.

I vote for a tiny model without even the wooden keys. Just plug in your favourite MIDI controller. I would accept minijack in that case. :slight_smile:

I just don’t get the point in speakers on any synth/electronic noise box. Is it for people sitting around with a quiet acoustic band, jamming away with some 808 kicks, synth lines and orchestra stabs? :crazy_face:
Even solo, who’d ever want their audience or themselves alone to hear a little 3cm speaker rendition of their noodles?
I’m guessing that it is because speakers and mini amps are so cheap manufacturers add them as an unwanted feature because it is meaninglessly low cost to do so.

Oddly it looks like a more % expensive addition on the M given the metal drilling and (unnecessary?) added length of the unit etc than it might be for Korg or TE where it is a cheap afterthought with spare space on their plastic boxes…

I don’t think the speaker is usable on the K.O… & the speaker on the Volca line isn’t much better… definitely makes me wonder why they have a speaker… but I actually use the speaker on my Op-1 quite a bit. Of course it sounds WAY better with headphones or outside speakers, but I’m actually impressed with the Op-1 speaker sound quality.

Whenever I’m out with my Op-1 & I want to show someone how to use it or when I play with it with other people at a park or whatever, the speaker really comes in handy. Especially with the microphone, having my friends sing or make noises then show them what they can do with their vocals. A lot of fun.

I also want to play with recording sounds FROM the speakers to see what I can do with that sound, I think it would sound good on field recordings, adding some lofi goodness.

So in my opinion, for me, it depends on the quality of the speaker & the size of the hardware.

Yet if I had to pick from a speaker or another feature, I would pick another feature (unless the other feature is like an ipod dock or something).

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An acoustic guitar looper pedal with a speaker makes sense to me, so long as it can compete with the guitar in loudness and tone.

I’d prefer if the Org M had either not elongated the body and dropped the speaker or put a touch pad, analog filters, cv jacks, more knobs or a joystick in the space instead. Anyway, it is what it is. Apparently it’s a decent speaker so maybe quiet mini jam bands get some mileage

I totally agree & all tho I try to get use out of the speakers in the hardware I have, there are many other things I would prefer.

Especially with this new Organelle, the speaker makes it bigger & with portable gear, size matters!

But yea… it is what it is & it is a speaker :grin: