New Arturia synths?

definitely arturia.
another photo of it behind the Pro 3 on his IG:

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Maybe a prototype? Interesting that it’s smaller than the release.


Yes and he does have a “new” thing in his studio where he is mystical about. I was also guessing a MB poly or some. This pic you showing looks a bit like the original MB. He has that as well.

Yea I suppose what we’re seeing is either some kind of early MatrixBrute prototype or some future matrix based 2 OSC iteration of it (mixer section shows 2 OSC + noise) with a smaller matrix.
Poly would be cool!

MatrixBrute is one of the coolest synths on the market, not sure why they’d update something so perfect so soon, so I’m guessing a prototype? Or maybe it is a V2, which would be neat for sure!

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My guess is future product, as he covers it here:

PolyMatrix ?


Perhaps a PolyBrute or a MatrixFreak?

Changed the title ”New Arturia synth??”


A PolyBrute of sorts would be my guess.

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My heart swells with love for all the synth lovers in the world, and especially Arturia for giving Yves the chance to bring his passion to us!

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Isn’t it just a Matrixbrute with the control section in the down position ?

No, Matrix Brute is 3 OSC, and the control section is far bigger. The foot print is also deeper, and mod and pitch wheels are located next to the keybed, not above. Also the MB is 49 keys, this new one is 61.

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Maybe it’s a BehringerBrute. :confused:

That screams new polysynth prototype to me.

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In for one :slight_smile:

I’m personally not that interested, but I did enjoy this bit of sleuthing this morning! :slight_smile:
Cross posted it to GS and Muffs.


Very curious what exactly this is.

Blowing up the grainy first photo and comparing it to the Matrixbrute, you can see the part toward the right that might be a mtrix is considerably smaller. On the Matrixbrute its over an octave wide, almost an octave and a third. The unidentified keyboard it is only about a fifth wide, and looks square. The Matrixbrute is slighly wider than it is high.

Good sort of mystery.

are there other patchable polyphonic synths? I’m struggling to think of any… :thinking: typically a patch point is a direct connection between audio points or cv modulation source and destination. I guess maybe they could have a mult behind every point though…?

but yeah you also don’t see 61 key mono synths either. so I’d assume poly.

You mean specifically with a button matrix? Otherwise there are lots of polyphonic synths with modulation matrixes. The Hydrasynth being only one example, plus it has the CV input that maps too. I must be missing something in what you’re saying.

Origin 2, with touchscreen?
But an 8 or 16-voice Matrix Brute MKII makes more sense.