Hey guys - I just bought an a4 off a fellow elektronaut. So it needed an os upgrade (from 1.1b) so I formatted the disk and loaded the new OS. Loaded fine - I’m running 1.1d.
I was under the impression that the os upgrade came with 2 x banks of 256 presets but when I press any of the track buttons it says +drive is empy? I can’t find any info on this which is weird - did I screw it when I formatted it? But where are these banks?
Formatting the +drive will delete all of the sounds I believe.
Double click a track or hit function+sound to get to sound browser or manager. The 16 trigs now act as banks. Bank a+b should have factory presets. The rest are blank for the filling. If you seriously have no sounds, I would maybe reload the OS?
factory reset:
turn a4 off, hold function, turn a4 on, press trig 3.
Void I haven’t tried your tip but it definently says bank a empty bank b empty - shiiiiit
Thanks void that worked. Now how to work out how all this works! I can see genius beneath my fingers, I loooove the raw sounds I’m hearing
So if you could reintroduce yourself to the a4 what would you do? The sounds I’ve programmed in the past half hour has me utterly hooked. And I’ve been playing synths for years - had some of the best synths but this is something entirely new and I wanna know everything but I can see this is going to take a while to really master - I bought an ot at the same time but I think I might learn one then the other A would be a good tip?
I found you get the Octatrack faster once you get the Elektron philosophy, and the A4 is a gentler introduction.
there are few dissuccions on the forum which link may video.
this is a great point of departure…:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm0WuPltadM
Thanks for that Link dimi - I’ll look at it now.
I’ve found even just playing around for a couple of hours I’ve learned way more than I thought I would have - and the videos I’ve seen on the ot (I’ve also read Merlin’s a couple of times - tragic huh;) but their reputation as being impenetrable isn’t my experience thus far - I mean you wouldn’t want to be impatient but I’ve known that from the get go and don’t expect to fluent for a month or 2