Need some workflow advice coming from an Electribe

Ok Octatrack gurus,
I just got my OT and I am in the process of porting over a bunch of music that I wrote on my Electribe. A problem I am running into is that the OT only has 4 bars and my Electribe has 8. Some of the midi parts I worked out don’t fit in a pattern.

I know there is a way to string patterns together, can this be used to make a 4 bar loop an 8 bar by using two patterns? If this is the case it will kinda mess up the linearity of my songs. I typically go from pattern 1 to 2 then 3… But if I have to use 2 patterns to make an 8 bar loop I will have to skip some patterns. Is my thinking correct here?

I am hoping there is something I am missing that will solve this issue for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I too have transferred Electribe tracks to the OT. You can either go with 1/2 resolution as mentioned by lindefelt or string two patterns together for each section. Obviously you have to adjust the second section with appropriate start points. Just depends on what your goal is with the track in the OT - for me it was remixing so we didn’t go super crazy breaking out each Electribe part into it’s own sample.

Ah, I knew there was something simple that I was overlooking. Thank you sir.
The depth of this machine makes finding answers int he manual quite difficult. I am glad you guys are here to help.

I just noticed that stringing patterns together is not saved permanently with the pattern. I am essentially using patterns as the parts of a song (intro, verse, chorus…) and for this to work for me I would need it to stick. Stringing the patterns together every time on the fly just won’t work for me as I am pretty busy playing other synths. But setting the scale to 1/2 seems like it will do the trick. Thanks for the help.

You can string patterns (not permanently) by pressing down pattern and them pushing down two trigs (which work as pattern select buttons in that case) successively.

So pattern+trig1+trig2 makes patterns 1&2 play successively until you change patterns or push stop.

check out the arranger for putting patterns next to each other in an automated fashion, that way your focus can be free for other instruments+synths.