Need for a Project option OT style for A4 and MD

Hi, ive been working on a live set for the last year, which is ever evolving with 3 boxes, OT,a4,Md
Having started with the OT i appreciated its Project setup
Enabling me to go out of my live project and into a new blank one, whilst easily being able to switch between them
However with the MD+A4, now that all my patterns are full, the only thing left to do , in order to start a blank project would be to delete everything :confused: , and trust that the backup to the computer will enable me to faithfully recover each project

I find this A more complicated and time consuming, and B worrying!

How do you folks jump between projects on these machines?

Dont you think it would be an important thing to develop on the A4 ( i imagine the MD (non UW+drive) doesnt have the internal memory to do this

I also dont understand why having made the step to create 16 banks on the OT , they went back to 8 on the a4

For the MD, +Drive does exactly what you want. In effect, it gives you a library of 128 Machinedrums, each completely independent from the others, and within a few seconds you can pick the one you want.

For the MD, +Drive does exactly what you want. In effect, it gives you a library of 128 Machinedrums, each completely independent from the others, and within a few seconds you can pick the one you want.

Yeah cheers Arc, unfortunately my MDmkII doesnt have the+ drive,
will def upgrade the day ive got some extra cash
But it seems like it has to exist for the a4

Again id like to hear from people who reguarly change projects on the A4
do the backups/restore operations work flawlessly?
