Ive been speaking to Walker from make noise about doing some videos with the Make Noise and Elektron gear. Personally I want to see some A action as Ive got one and am going to use it for that very purpose so Im hoping to get that but they seem real interested in the MD with Eurorack. Quick description of how you guys use it with the modular - in particular how you trigger the the euro from the MD and sequence. Cheers. Hope you enjoy the vids. Ill let you know when theyre posted
I do have an MD but not modular stuff yet=(
But if I wanted to sequence using MD i would choose a GND-IMP machine to trigger envelopes or else.
Do you have a midi interface or some kind of Midi to CV device?
This way you can control a lot of more things.
Anyway, if you have specific questions i can make some trials with MD and Sherman Filterbank2, that works with Audio and CV for control.
So no one wans to see DEDICATED machinedrum and Make Noise Modular Videos? Are you guys crazy? PLease just a paragraph. I dont use the MD so I cant.
I use Mutable Instruments Yarns as midi > cv with Machinedrum and it works well. I only use it alongside my modular so everything is synced though, using MD to lay down rhythms. The A4 is more suited for full integration with a modular system (ie sending trigs/gate etc) because of the dedicated CV outs.
try searching the old forum. i remember more than a few posts about this. tib/andy used md & modular together a lot, as did darenager iirc and a few others.
the suggestion about using gnd-imp machines as triggers is probably a good one as it got mentioned a few times.
I hope someone can shed some light on this. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting into modular over the next year, and have reluctantly considered selling my MDUW and MNM to start at least a 3U, and to buy an A4 in part to control it. I completely forgot that you can use the Machinedrum for this, but I’m not yet well versed enough in CV/modular to know what kinds of limitations/advantages it might have compared to the A4. Hopefully someone can give more insight into how they use the MD in this manner.
I’m rockin some euro with the MD. A Kenton Modular Solo routs different MIDI channels from MD to up to 4 different CVs plus clock and start/stop. Works great. When on the road, I run the modular’s audio through the MD so everything comes out the MD for recording. If you have specific questions, I can try some stuff out.