Nedavine - Out in the US, UK, AUS and NZ

Seems my album is finally available on itunes in the USA.

Also available in New Zealand, UK, Japan and Australia.

Cheers peeps.

nice album!
Great Work

Just remembered you sent me the CD but I forgot to listen to it! Putting it on right now!

Cheers man. Genuinely appreciate it.

@Barfunkel, Hope you enjoy it mate.

congrats on the release man! been enjoying your videos lately.

Cheers mate. Appreciate the feedback. Feel free to spam the album around :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

pick it up and am listening! great stuff

Awww thanks a lot man. really means a lot to me. Thanks for the show of support!

You play all the gear? there is a guitar in Best Has Yet to Come, that you? Also love the glass bottle like sounds in Guy Fawkes.

Yup. Thats me playing. Going into a Boss GT Pro rack which is gone now but it had an awesome delay which I used on that track.
I tend to play most stuff in by hand. Glad you liked the fireworks.

Is it possible to buy it digitally from another outlet than iTunes? I’d love to have it, but not a fan (or user) of iTunes.

The cd is $15 with postage direct from the label but it’s also up on for download. No bandcamp unfortunately.

The cd is $15 with postage direct from the label but it’s also up on for download. No bandcamp unfortunately. [/quote]
Nice, just ordered the CD. :slight_smile:

The cd is $15 with postage direct from the label but it’s also up on for download. No bandcamp unfortunately. [/quote]
Nice, just ordered the CD. :slight_smile: [/quote]
Sweet. Thanks mate. Really appreciate it. Hoping to sell enough to get the label to let me make a follow up album.

The cd is $15 with postage direct from the label but it’s also up on for download. No bandcamp unfortunately. [/quote]
Nice, just ordered the CD. :slight_smile: [/quote]
Sweet. Thanks mate. Really appreciate it. Hoping to sell enough to get the label to let me make a follow up album. [/quote]
Ah, ok, cool. Keep on making and posting your videos and attach links to your music, and I’m pretty sure you’ll get there. :slight_smile: Looking forward to hearing it properly!

Great “Impressive” music sir. I’ll download it when I get home.