Nedavine - AT REST

Cool shot. Can’t wait to hear the album!

I had sneak preview of the whole album – quality choons throughout!

Nedavine – You got any whole-track videos in the works?

Yeah, this is just a teaser I shot last night. I’m planning on making something a bit more substantial this month. Might be shooting some down in tokyo if you fancy sharing a beer and standing around in the cold?

can’t wait to hear it! been feeling the stuff you’ve been uploading on youtube lately

Yeah, this is just a teaser I shot last night. I’m planning on making something a bit more substantial this month. Might be shooting some down in tokyo if you fancy sharing a beer and standing around in the cold?[/quote]
I’m definitely good for a beer! SKAB/T is your man for the photography and standing around in the cold . . . :astonished:

Lush sounds going on. Look forward to it!

Sounds and looks great!

Like it as well, both audio and video.
Looking forward to hear more!

Cheers guys. Video is nearly done. Should go live with this week sometime.

Finished video is At Rest - A Time-Lapse Movie by Nedavine

Also the Album At Rest is now available as a preorder here


Sweet man! Sweet sounds and a great video! Congrats on the release too! Regarding the release - is it CD or vinyl, or what? Doesn’t really say on the site. Would def buy it if it’s vinyl. :slight_smile:

Edit; nevermind, saw now that it was CD. Same label as Arc of Doves and bvdub - nice!