Namm 2014 - What are Waldorf Up too?

A multi mode filter, obviously.

So you think that is a rehash of the old D-Pole in modern form ?

mmm…that doesn’t say much…it could be the filter section of a synth as well, but i kind of doubt they’ll come out with a new one.
a remake of the d-pole won’t be bad, hopefully their R&D department has been up to something…

a new post card with renders on it.

whatever it is, it will be several years until it’s actually released…

The Pulse 2 is to be released in a keyboard version without specifics in a German interview back in '13 by head Waldorf Dev Engineer, Stefan Stenzil.
Would be nice for yet again, a fully knobby Waldorf Synth, especially for the Pulse 2 engine. That image could easily be part of interface with a full merging of Rocket and Pulse 2. Both have same exact color motif’s, which many have speculated it’s by no mistake.
Pulse 2 is to have a future addition of an Effects Board…it’s even clearly in menu on Pulse 2 as an awaited upgrade.

The Rocket already has this ability in it’s filter input, plus a multimode. I have the 4-Pole pictured there and it’s still great. it’s actually a Pulse without the 3 Osc’s, but LFO and Env’s are there, sans the powerful arp.
FYI-The “D-Pole” is actually a software version of Waldorf’s X-Pole hardware dual channel stereo analog filter unit.

Yes I got the name of the two confused - used to own a Microwave II and Micro Q back in the day.

Screen grab looks very Jomox resonator but it could be anything. I hope it’s something I don’t need, In fact I hope the Elektron box is something I don’t need. I just want to play with what I have and make music.
If it turns out to be a knobby keyboard synth (Pulse) then i’m not sure how I could resist.

it’s orange so maybe it’s unrelated to pulse 2 or rocket

Well, they just reloaded the Pulse. Could they be reloading the orange synth (mwxt)? :slight_smile:

I was addicted to the XT for a few years.
I’m not sure i could resist a re - edit of it !!

I was addicted to the XT for a few years.
I’m not sure i could resist a re - edit of it !![/quote]
wonder what waldorf will come up with…wavetables with samples? :alien: i still have my 10 voices here, sitting right below a pulse and i’ve been thinking that perhaps i should make a bit of space in the rack … with all the new machines coming out (mainly talking about elektron stuff here :slight_smile: ) i’m kind of tempted to sell one of them (or both) and replace it with one of elektron’s gears, being it either an OT or (when available) the AR, which would also (hopefully) save me from buying a controller with pads (really hoping the pads will send MIDI out…even just notes would do)
has anyone made any (soundwise) comparison between the pulse and the A4?

…what about a new Q?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: i really regret having sold it back in the days…

any new pictures yet?


It’s a filter module:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Sexy !