N00b here, multiple questions

Hi Guys,

I received my Cycles yesterdays and after reading the manual, I have a few questions I was not able to solve yet
The first one is really simple, is it possible to program your own chords in Chord?

The second one is a bit more tricky one…

When I try to sequence the Chord machine from Ableton, I can hear a nasty click sound after every note…
I’m familiar with this noise, it is like a “polyphony stealing” noise, you know, that one you can here when you try to push a 4 note polysynth a bit far.
Is there a way to solve this?
I’ve tried to change the decay, also, tried to apply the “attack trick”, no luck…
Any ideas?

Also a noob here, but I think I can answer a couple of those …

Short answer: No. Longer answer: I’ve seen discussion of that feature request, so maybe if enough people ask it will come in a firmware update ?

I had a hard time getting it to work initially. The solution I found was that I needed to juggle the LFO speed to get it working, so take a look at MUL on the LFO menu (10.6.2 in the manual) and play with that and LFO speed. I found it easiest to switch the LFO to something other than ENV to hear the speed adjustments I was making, and then switching back to ENV.

Hope that helps, wasn’t quite sure what problem you had with the attack trick.

Yes, the MUL thing is the one to go with.
Yet, still interesting, that there are no clicks and pops when I sequence it with the internal sequencer …

Re the clicks on M:C, check the answer that @Ess gave to this question. Ess seems to be saying it’s not “stealing” that’s doing it on the M:C, but this conversation may be relevant to what what you’re hearing.

Sounds more like a bug! I haven’t had those issues with the Chord machine when sequencing externally - but could be something new that popped up or some other weirdness. I would recommend you to contact support about this.


I’ll record some stuff from it this evening.
Don’t get me wrong, love it so far.
The proble may easily come from my obscure m4l sequencers :wink:

Here is a short recording, as you here, the click is really there when I open the decay…

Also, another quick question.
Can’t really connect to the Cycles with the transfer app.
Mac, USB Midi only.
Any ideas?

Still weird, can’t really record things from it, since I can’t "filter out’ those damn clicks :frowning:

Can’t create a ticket at Elektron.se
Captcha things doesn’t work.

I believe I’m hearing the same thing playing the ‘trigs’ manually on my M:C. The track is a chord machine, with long decay. If I play a note while the previous note is still decaying, I get a distinct click. It happens even when I set a slow attack using the LFO … the click would seem to be coming from cutting of the previous note.

That is my idea too, yet, can’t post the support ticket on this, since the captcha thing is not working on the site…
I’ll try it again, but can’t really try out other platforms (mac, pc, iphone) and other browsers (explorer, safari, chrome…)

I have this with Chord, Tone and Perc, the others are fine.
In the meantime I’ve managed to post a ticket, I really hope that thy have an idea.
The possibilities are really good with this, but so far, that clicky thing is so loud I can’t record a single loop from it …

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Checked something guys.
I’ve routed the Cycles in a roundrobin MIDI situation, so, all 2 slots loaded with the same patch, then midi notes routed to midi channels 1-6, note by note.
Actually, the issue is not seems to be MIDI or polyphony related, but the clicks comes from the FM engine.
I know that there are unwanted clicks and noises, “too fast attacks” in FM, I have a TX81Z here, it suffered from the same issue, yet, there is an attack option there, where you can at least round the sound a bit …

Did this problem ever get fixed?