So last week after a month or so of inactivity my OT started behaving a little strange, the first thing I noticed was that attempting to change the delay time on one single track wasn’t working, no matter what I tried nothing changed. So I reloaded the firmware onto the cf card and reinstalled it. After the reboot it was still mis-behaving, then in my frustration I accidentally pulled the USB cable out, while it was still in USB disk mode this froze the unit. After another reboot, the unit still worked, but some buttons now were triggering functions other than what they should be triggering, and then I realized that some of the encoders and crossfader were working backwards, I also noticed things were a bit distorted. I booted into test mode, and everything seemed to check out ok. I did an empty reset and reloaded the firmware again. No change.
It’s still acting strangely. It is funny because it will boot up fine and start playback, but once you start tweaking things, it just gets weird. I contacted Elektron Support last week but have yet to hear back. Anybody ever experience anything so strange? Does anybody know it there is a bootloader for the unit or a way to reset the MPU?