My first 48 hours with the Octatrack

First of all, I’d really like to once again thank Dataline and Inspektor Gadjet for showing us how to use the OT. Absolutely great vids.

I just got the OT a couple of days ago and because I had watched all the videos, I already knew how to work this thing but to put my hands on it was priceless. I was in awe while I practiced everything I learned. Mind blown!

I obviously knew all the “shortcomings” and limitations as well, also from YouTube reviews. BUT here’s the thing, the limitations forced me to create music in new ways I never knew was possible. It got me thinking out of the box and that’s just fabulous.

The OT is not a music composer/arrangers’ sequencer like Presonus Studio One or Logic, and no one should expect it to be so. This thing is a laboratory for messing things up and putting things together to make music. It’s like a playground for me now, whereas Studio One is my office where I churn out things for clients.

What a brilliant piece of hardware and I love it so much that I’m not gonna type anymore of this crap and get right back to it.


Jelly! I know my time is coming tho…

Been lusting for one for a while. A tiny bit worried about future updates (will they ever catch up?). But your post has that raw excitement that makes me want one! I know I’d love it.

GAS setting in…!

Maybe there will be a holiday special (ooh!) :slight_smile: !!!

dataline did OT tutorials`?

Yes. Here’s the link…

Yes. Here’s the link…[/quote]
allright, thanks for the link … however I already knew that… didnt know dataline did this work …
have a good day :slight_smile:

Funny how I just realised I posted this thread in the wrong room. Oops.