My analog four mk2 dont work with overbridge

Help please with this problem…thanks

if you want to get help, you have to provide way more information! how should anybody know anything about your problem or your setup? :slightly_smiling_face:

describe the problem as detailed as possible, including technical details like computer, os, daw…

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yes sorry…I have a MacBook Pro x 2,9 GHz Intel Core i5…MOJAVE, I connect with overhub and komplete audio 6 my analog four 1.40 and the overbridge is the last beta version.
Analog Rytm works fine…sorry for my bad english.

Just the simplest questions:

  1. Have you installed the latest A4 beta firmware which is required for the Overbridge beta (downloaded link is listed in the overbridge beta thread)?

  2. Have you enabled overbridge mode on the A4?

  3. What’s exactly not working? Is the A4 not recognized?

There are already tons of “overbridge not working with XXX” threads around. Have you tried the forum’s search function?

(modify keywords to get more or different results)

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Yes overbride not recognized the analog 4…I have all last updates…jesus thank for the reply my friend !!!