Mute at all

Sent a support ticket but didn’t get any suggestions I haven’t tried already. I think I’ll use that method @reubenfinger, there’s only a couple of patterns from that pattern I want to keep anyway.

What’s ironic is, because we can’t hear what the patterns sound like, you can go through all the work of transferring and copying, press play and wish you hadn’t bothered…

but it really has sold the idea of exporting sounds to me, which I’d never really bothered with before, and has actually been made more useful since the upgrade to 1.06 and the soundpool.

I guess once they’re in position in the new working project I can rename the sounds without the pattern number and slot or maybe keep them that way as a reminder that if I like a sound, it needs to be exported…

and because there is no explanation for why the project went faulty, it could always happen again