Music by Rephazer

Thank you so much for listening ! I really do appreciate it and I am glad you like it :slight_smile: Cheers!

What a refreshing mix! Really fits the good weather I had this morning :sun_behind_small_cloud:

Love the quick change up through patterns too. Makes me want to make some music :notes:

Thanks for sharing and inspiring :pray:

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These are lovely and looking forward to getting a proper listen through them all

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Thanks for the kind words and I am happy it fits the nice summer weather and inspires you to make music :beers:

Thanks for listening in advance :slight_smile:


Little melancholic ambient piece written during holiday capturing various choir samples from local radio stations.


Recorded some sloppy and rusty bass/guitar riffs to cassette for a change which I hope you’ll enjoy.



Various dark melancholic ambient pieces I’ve made during my holiday in Curacao using samples of local classical radio stations as a starting point. Hope you’ll like it. Cheers


This is lovely. Gonna have a listen through your earlier ones as well. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for checking it out and commenting! Much appreciated

Instead of using cassette tape loops for drones I had this crazy idea for a while to convert my old OP-1 4 track loops to cassette 4 track loops and perform them with the warmth and organic feel of real tape so after a search I found this beautiful 4-track Yamaha MT4X deck 2nd hand.

After the purchase I immediately started recording some of these ‘ancient OP-1 rephazer sketches/tracks’ to 30 seconds cassette loop tapes with all the tape bumps, wow, flutter, volume gaps and imperfections that these tapes bring… Just as imperfect as life itself…

Initially I was thinking of getting two of these 4 track decks for mixing/transitioning between the loops, but instead I choose to use the micro cassette recorder Casio TP-40 with radio static noise/voice recordings and the Audiothingies Doctor A reverb and 12-bit delay on both auxiliaries of the deck to transition from one cassette loop to the next using the Dr. A delay feedback which I think works great.

Everything is mixed and recorded digitally to USB stick using the Teenage Engineering TX-6.

I hope you’ll enjoy this performance as much as I’ve enjoyed making and performing it.

Also available on Bandcamp for the ones interested:

Thanks for listening!

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Been listening to Summer Mixtape and What’s on the Tape #3 this afternoon, excellent stuff

Like someone else said, makes me want to make music :green_heart:

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Thanks a lot! Always nice to read it inspires others to make some music :slight_smile:


Another session of playing around with 30 second loop cassette tapes.

My latest set with 24 little sketches made on the OP-1 Field and TX-6 Combo


really beautiful! you’re such an op master! when i hear your op tracks i always wonder how you manage to make them; i can’t seem to accomplish nowhere need the same level of freedom and productivity with my op-1f
fav track: 1. video, track that starts at 11:17 (still haven’t watched the second video completely, just skipped through it here and there)

p.s. which tape mixer/recorder is this?

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Really great work - I enjoyed listening to/watching this a lot. Very interested in learning about your workflow a bit more. I find my sketches have nowhere near this level of polish.

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Thank you for the kind words! I guess the OP-1 just ticks all the boxes I get inspired by. Not sure what else to tell you, but finding the ‘trance like state focus’ and not getting distracted is the main reason I am able to make this.

It’s the Yamaha MT4X. A wonderful machine :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! I always make my music using headphones and did so for a very long time so not sure if that’s the reason, but try to not overdo things like EQ/Compression/Limiting and keep room for the music to ‘breath’

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You’ve captured the BoC mood perfectly :slight_smile: , I like these tape imperfections especially.