Multiple scenes assigned?

If i press the B Button i see trigs 1 and 2 in green and 16 in red. I cannot get rid of the green trigs. If pressing A i see 1 in red and 16 in green. Have no glue with the green trigs while pressing assign A or B.

…for future success and comfort with all sorts of scene trickery games…

keep A and B scenes strictly separated…so all A scenes are always only adressing the first 8 trigs…and all B scenes only to be found and adressing from trigs 9 to 16…

leave A1 always as a blank, untouched scene, so ur crossfader can always rest while effecting nothing when all the way to the left…

this way u don’t have to activate/deactivate the A/B buttons via some FUNC xtra actions…

and u can use A2 to A8 for snapshots…!!!..just hold A and pick one of A2 - A8 trigs to effect whatever u have prepared…this way u can parameter jump/play various overall settings and always land safe on blank A1 again…

and for all moving the crossfader actions, all that famous realtime morphing settings, u adress the trigs 9-16, one of ur now called and defined B scenes…

now u can always turn ur crossfader to the right and morph all the way to the end on the right side, maxing out all sorts of settings…aaaaand swosh move flawlessly back to the left side again where a blank or “snapshot” A setting is waiting again…

stick with a such a basic rule always and u never get lost in endless scene trickery options…
and also the whole crossfader/scene thing becomes an easy controllable instrument of it’s own…


Thanks a lot for your useful tips. Now left one: The geen trigs as i learned from the elek video these are scenes which are aleady occupied. How can i identify from whom occupied or better how can i delete them? I think i have made some weired combinations and as a beginner do not know what was in the past.

…if u hold a certain scene trig, all settings that are involved in that scene setting start to blink…
so go through the menus of those track engines that are blinking, press the push encoders that are involved and that setting is blank again…

or hold the scene trig and do the func + play(clear) combo to erase the whole scene at once…
which is one of those rare four fingers needed wide spread actions, i’m afraid…

if found this link very usefil:

When you hold one scene button, OT shows which scene is selected to the scene slot (red led) and also shows you which scene is selected for the other slot (green led). The display also shows you which scenes are selected.
7 here is the screenshot (scene01 is selected for A and 09 for B):

Screenshot_20230215-221816_Adobe Acrobat

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You should. Helpful to repair scene buttons. :content:
Replacing Buttons / Encoders on OT mk1 - #7 by sezare56


i buy a new one