I seem to have an annoying problem where occasionally when I tweak a parameter on my A4, another parameter will change as well to the same value.
It only happens when i’ve got record enabled on the A4’s MIDI channel in Live, so there must be something in Live that is creating a MIDI loop which receives MIDI from the A4, then send it back to the A4 under a different CC or something.
Any ideas? I know it’s a pretty hard one to diagnose but thought i’d ask anyway in case someone else has experienced it and managed to fix it.
The strange thing is it’s just occasionally, with no settings changed in Live or MIDI settings changed on the A4. I’ll just be tweaking away on the A4 and suddenly it will happen.
I had the same trouble some times ago: when I changed a parameter on voice 1 then voice 2 / 3 / 4 would get the same tweak.
Here is a clue : when inserting a midi track in live, it comes automatically set with midi from and send on all channels (all ins / all channels). Make sure your midi signal mirrors the A4 midi config (Elektron A4 channel 1 in / Elektron A4 channel 1 out, etc…)
That works though it is not really smooth this way (parameters drop at “0” value when loop restarts in recording mode). Also you then have to choose between “midi sources” to control the A4 (selectecting the A4 disengages Push).
There is another trouble with Push (but not exclusively). When you clear a sound on the A4, the aftertouch will be mapped to vibrato each and everytime. A work around is to create your own “default” sound, and load it when you would use “clear”.
Cheers !