I’ve been trying to figure out a way to accomplish changing multiple parameters on the MD (SPS-1UW+ Mk II ) in an “automated” fashion. Essentially what I’d like to do is to have, let’s say, a bass drum playing along every 4th beat (in a 64 step pattern). At the beginning of the pattern, the filter and pitch parameters have it sounding very thin and high, and at the end of the pattern, the filter and pitch parameters have it sounding very full and low. I want it to gradually (along a linear slope) change from the start to the end, while still triggering the beats every 4th trig.
I tried using Parameter Slide to accomplish this, but it seems that this only works between two trigs - and to actually hear any kind of “slide” you need to have a sound that has some decay time to it. In this scenario my bass has almost no decay, so there is no audible slide. And… if I try to slide from trig 1 to 61 (the first & last trig), there is also no slide and no changing of the parameters… the second trig (trig 5) stops the slide altogether.
I’ve read that I might be able to accomplish this with an LFO, but am not sure how? I also thought that maybe the CTR-8P machine would be helpful, but I don’t see a way to control all 8 (or even 2) parameters at the same time (which I presume I would then be able to accomplish my goal by manually sweeping in realtime record mode).
Is something like this possible with just the MD, or would I need to put the automation in a DAW like Ableton?
Also… since I am also a budding A4 and OT user - do those devices have the capability to accomplish this feat? (It appears that the A4 can through the use of the Performance mode and realtime record).